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This game may be considered as NSFW due to references to gender, sex and pornography - but that depends on where you work. No visually representations of nudity or sex appears in this game. Works best in Chrome on a regular computer.// @@font-size:120%;[[ok|TITLE]]@@ :: rw1 You are Rocky Barbato, an ex porn star. You have had sex with a lot of women. It was your day job. Just as many others are plumbers or teachers, you were an actor that had sex on film. Some days you thought: "this is my JOB!" others: "THIS is my job?" But now...you're [[retired|rw2]]. :: rw2 Due to the fact that you are old you wake up at 06:34 am. You are now a senior citizen. Even though you don't consider yourself to be old in any way. "Fit mind - fit body" as one says... [[Leave your ergonomically designed bed|rw3]] :: rw3 Cold feet hit the cold floor and create a whole new kind of freezing hell beyond the one that you currently reside in. You wake up with: <> @@color:#2A363B;==Hunger==@@ <> [[Hunger|kitchen]] <> <> @@color:#2A363B;==Sweaty balls==@@ <> [[Sweaty balls|shower]] <> @@color:#2A363B;==Minor heart palpitations==@@ <> @@color:#2A363B;==Morning wood==@@ <> [[Morning wood|master]] <> One of these four you can't really control. The other three need to be tended to. :: kitchen <> Your stomach is as flaccid as your penis. Lacking any content, feeling empty. You approach your fridge and you suddenly realize that the more success you've gained the emptier the fridge has been. With an empty fridge you are too busy to find the time to cook. Your fridge is congested with food and beverages. <> As a mast without sail you follow the arrow protruding from your pelvis. You almost hit your penis with the fridge door as you open it. The penis itself withstands the cold breeze and you take a moment in the kitchen saluting your gender with a Superman pose just to feel that you matter (even if you truly now that you don't). <> [[Grab a snack|eat]] <> :: eat Tuna - low fat Avocado - good fat Bell pepper - other good stuff (don't know what really) Eating as ordered by the good Doctor. You miss your burgers days... <> [[You also miss something else...|call]] <> [[What to take care of now?|rw3]] <> :: fist [fist] @@text-shadow: 0.1em 0.0.2em #222;Schindler's Fist@@ @@font-size:30%;STARRING@@ @@font-size:60%;ROCKY BARBATO. . . . . . . . . . . . . SAVANNA STEELE@@ @@font-family:rationale;font-size:20%;[[...|fist2]]@@ <> :: master You come to think of Savanna as you slowly descend your elderly body towards your Lay-Z-Boy. [[Savanna Steele|savanna]] She occupies your mind but hasn't really reminded you of her presence in a while. [[You and her (only) did three movies together|movies]] <> :: movies [movie] Chose which one to watch! @@font-size:40%;[[Schindler's Fist|fist]] | [[Hard-On in 60 Seconds|hardon]] | [[Rectum Ranger Heroes 19|rectum]]@@ [img[http://corruptreality.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/vhs.png]] :: hardon [gone] HARD-ON IN @@font-size:170%;color:#FF240A;60@@ SECONDS @@font-size:20%;s t a r r i n g@@ @@font-size:50%;//ROCKY BARBATO SAVANNA STEELE//@@ @@font-family:rationale;font-size:40%;[[...|hardon2]]@@ <> :: rectum [rectum] RECTUM RANGER @@font-size:150%;HEROES 19@@ @@font-family:Metamorphous;font-size:15%;STARRING@@ @@font-family:Metamorphous;font-size:35%;ROCKY BARBATO and SAVANNA STEELE@@ @@font-family:rationale;font-size:30%;[[...|rectum2]]@@ <> :: shower <> You feel empty. //Done// one might say. A few drips from your penis mix with the shampoo and conditioner that already floats about in the cesspool at your feet. The feet must be the only thing NOT cleaner after a shower. A lot of DNA could probably be found in this cesspool and you come to think about how many drops you've wasted... <> Your morning erection exposes every crevasse that your wrinkled up body hides within its saggy skin. Even though you - without noticing it at first - manage to hit the shampoo bottle with your wood, you still appreciate a good cleaning of the penis. A swift thought flies through your mind where you remember your endeavors with yoga - trying to get more flexible so you could pleasure yourself orally (of course nothing to brag about around friends). <> <> [[You come to think of another...thing|call]] <> [[What to take care of now?|rw3]] <> <> :: savanna [savanna] [img[http://corruptreality.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/savanna2.png]] [[...|master]] :: fist2 <> A clean dick is the least you can bring to the masturbation table as you re-live this pornographic abomination. It felt weird doing anal in front of a swastika and now when you come to think of it, it feels weird touching yourself while watching yourself having sex dressed as "Fistler"... <> Sweaty balls and your spunk drowns the holocaust in shame as you reminisce about, how you, in a drug infused haze, thought it was a good idea to play "Fistler" as the role might provide some real acting. But you know that the real reason was so you could met Savanna yet again... <> <> [[Your spunk reminds you of something else...|call]] <> [[What to take care of now?|rw3]] <> :: hardon2 <> A 60 second frenzy is all that's needed for you to require yet another shower. You pause, and thank your mom for having indoctrinated you when it comes to keeping the plastic on the furniture. Easy to just wipe it. You fast forward to a certain scene: You and Savanna, you play some kind of race driver and Savanna plays your wife just wishing you good luck before the race by having sex with you - don't know if it was acting from her side or if that moment when your eyes met was as real as you remember it... <> Smegma is the dick's own dandruff. You are done in less than 60 seconds but you sit there in your own smegma, sperm, sweat and, suddenly, tears that really doesn't surprise you. //Hard-On in 60 Seconds// have always had that affect on you... There's one scene with you and Savanna (something that WASN'T edited out) where your eyes meet...that was a nice day. <> <> [[Your spunk reminds you of something else...|call]] <> [[What to take care of now?|rw3]] <> :: rectum2 <> Even though you've taken a shower you feel a bit dirty as you watch one of many //Rectum Ranger// movies. The total is up to 34 by now and you starred in 11 of them - as the hero named //The Human Butt plug//! Not feeling like a hero anymore unfortunately. Not even like a guy who "saves" rectums. Well you didn't always "save" rectums in the movies. It's easy to fake that sort of thing doing it doggy style and filming facial expressions. It was mere lies. <> After filming one scene in //Rectum Rangers// you actually found shit on your penis. You've never showered for that long in your life since then. And now, as you sit there watching you and Savanna going at it you actually find a ketchup stain on your ball sack and you try to remember when was the last time you ate ketchup? <> <> [[Your spunk reminds you of something else...|call]] <> [[What to take care of now?|rw3]] <> :: call The morning chores are done... [[but...|scab]] :: call2 ...even though the life you've lived has given you plenty... ...you seek more from your elderly existence as you live alone in the now deteriorating castle you call "home"... Savanna is out of reach - you had your chance. But sex isn't all in life! Instead there might be another way towards salvation... [[pick up the phone|calls1]] :: scab [warning2] for the first time in your life...something is different you too had dreams and sought happiness in life. but where others found it...you didn't. even though you lived a crazy, fucking, funny, fantastic life. or? is the dream to fuck, fuck an once again fuck? is the dream to snort, snort and once again snort? is the dream to party, party and once again party? <>//@@color:red;on your chest you find a scab. (when did you hurt yourself there?) you scratch it, first gently but soon faster and faster - frantically peeling off the surface. what is this? what lies beneath it? is surface everything? or is content truly king as they say? what have you been missing?@@//<> <>You snap out of it. blood on your hands... [[but with a wish|call2]]<> :: calls1 [phone] <>@@color:#ECBE13;God: Hello?@@<> <>Rocky: Yeah hi...it's me<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;God: Rocky?@@<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;What do you want?@@<> <>Rocky: i don't always want stuff when i call you, you know...<><>how you've been?<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;God: i got this rash that's driving me fucking crazy.@@<> <>Rocky: Ok, yeah. So...<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;God: You __DO__ want something, don't you?@@<> <>Rocky: Yeah...<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;God: i don't fucking believe it Rocky! i gave you everything: money, women, fame and a moderately big cock! i thought we had a deal!?! And now you want more?!@@<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;You still owe me for when you got stuck in Germany...remember that one?!@@<> <>Rocky: Of course i remember, but this time it's different becau...<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;God: NO NO NO!! That's my final answer Rocky! i don't have the energy or the time to do this! i have a fucking galaxy to run.@@<> <> *CLICK* <> <>[[Well FUCK YOU, i don't believe in you anyway!|calls2]]<> :: calls2 [phone] <> @@color:#ECBE13;Satan: Yes?@@ Rocky: Hi i'ts... @@color:#ECBE13;Satan: Well, well, well. if it isn't the famous Rocky Barbato@@ Rocky: Yes it's me, but how did you know...? @@color:#ECBE13;Satan: Well GOD [[texted|text]] me@@ <>Rocky: OK, um, so...how you've been?<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;Satan: it's all good, but i guess you seek something more to life? But GOD has promised me ten souls just not to oblige you so i'm afraid i'm not gonna say yes no matter the deal.@@<> <> @@color:#ECBE13;And you know i always like a good deal.@@<> <>Rocky: i fucking hate GOD man.<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;Satan: Yeah he's a major douche.@@<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;Just for the fun of it... what did you want?@@<> <>Rocky: A kid...<> <> *CLICK* <>[[Plan B|road]]<> <> <>@@color:#ECBE13;Satan: Yes?@@<> <>Rocky: Hi it's...<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;Satan: Well, well, well. if it isn't the famous Rocky Barbato@@<> <>Rocky: Yes it's me, but how did you know...?<> <>@@color:#ECBE13;Satan: Well GOD [[texted|text]] me@@<> <> :: text [phonetext] [img[http://corruptreality.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/phone.gif]] [[...|calls2]] <> :: road [GIF] [img[http://corruptreality.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/roadanim_new2.gif]] //<>An empty road.<> <>Roaming - on the prowl.<> <>A hunt/future in its infancy.<> <>A thump was heard.<> <>Not a cop in miles.<> <>Maybe just let go?<>// <>[[Almost there...|mall]]<> :: aisle [GIF] [img[http://corruptreality.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/aisle1.gif]] //<>A new flickering.<> <>The modern day water hole.<> <>May it pass by?<> <>An aisle is an aisle.<> <>Even security cameras have blind spots.<> <>Where to start?<>// <>[[Commence...|skulk]]<> :: mall You are here now - in the grocery store. The drive didn't manage to change your mind about getting a son or daughter. Why should you walk alone? Who'll inherit the Barbato name's fortune, glory and respect? To be fair you'll only grab a child from a parent with more than one kid - then they'll have one left for solace. [[Begin to skulk|skulk]] :: skulk ...in an aisle with cans of corn you spot a child...the mother is preoccupied with her grocery list... [[GRAB THE CHILD!|run]] [[skulk some more|skulk2]] :: skulk2 ...near the fruits and veggies a dad has lost himself in his mobile phone...the kid has even wandered off from the sister who sits in a stroller nearby... [[GRAB THE CHILD!|run]] [[skulk some more|skulk3]] :: skulk3 ...a mom and dad argues about what cereal to chose... one of their three sons have lost interest in their shouting and is an easy target... [[GRAB THE CHILD!|run]] [[skulk some more|skulk4]] :: skulk4 ...in the aisle for pregnancy tests you see a distressed couple... trying to find the right one, you can only assume that their daughter sitting alone in the shopping cart is about to get a sibling... [[GRAB THE CHILD!|run]] [[skulk some more|puzzle]] :: run Nobody thinks it weird or suspicious as someone passes by with a kid. Not even if you're an former porn star. The security guard even nods to you, as if he were to say: "Good luck with your kidnapping Sir!" Ohh I will... [[enter the van|flee]] :: puzzle Due to excessive skulking you now feel a hand on your shoulder... A security guard has spotted you as you skulked (you idiot you should have just acted casually!) too much and drew attention to yourself. [[...|jail]] :: flee [van] @@font-family:Concert One;Dusk is here. It soothes the angst. Heading south towards Mexico... Not long until a new life awaits in a new country with a little heir to tag along. [[silent contemplation|moan]]@@ :: jail <> Irving comes back in the room. Gives you a look with his evil eye. Sits back down in his office chair. Takes a few sips of coffee and returns back to his security cameras. But after a while Irving's stomach starts to protest against the old laxative now living inside him. Irving bolts out the room... [[Sneak away|parking]] <>You find yourself in an office. The security guard's office. The security guard is a man called Irving (it says so on his name tag). He feels like a small man that sees himself as a deity during 9-5 each day and then go home to his sad and quiet home. The room is rather spartanly decorated. A [[desk|desk]] A [[garbage bin|bin]] A [[file cabinet|file]] A [[box of returned items|box]] A [[door leading to freedom|door]] In the middle of the room sits Irving with his back to you as he monitors his precious security cameras. <> :: door <> [[Open just a CRACK|crack]] <> [[Open the door|open]] <> :: desk You take a look at the desk which contains: [[A pencil|pencil]] [[A coffee cup|cup]] [[An old computer|comp]] [[A stapler|stapler]] [[A photo of an old woman|woman]] [[back|jail]] :: bin The garbage bin contain more or less nothing of value. Just some orange peel, napkins, nine plastic coffee cups and a lottery ticket... [[back|jail]] :: file You try, very quietly, to see if you can open it. But it's locked. [[back|jail]] :: box A brown box stands on the floor right besides you. The side says: "Returned items". It contains: [[A hair brush|brush]] [[A toy laser sword with sounds|toy]] [[A pack of diapers|diapers]] [[A CD with The Andrea True Connection|cd]] [[A bottle of old laxative|lax]] [[back|jail]] :: moan [vankid] <>"mom?"<><>"mom?!"<><>"mommy!?"<><>"dad?!"<><>"mooooom!!"<>"daaaad!!"<><>"where's my parents?"<><>"are you gonna hurt me?"<><>"I want my mommy..."<><>(*quiet sobbing*)<> <> :: parking You escaped!! On the parking lot you rush towards your vehicle when you stumble upon a mom and her two kids... Nobody watches the kids as their mother packs her van with Tetris-like precision, filling it with food and other items needed in the modern day household! [[GRAB A KID!|flee]] :: cup <> [[Pour|pour]] some laxative in the coffee when Irving is out of the room! <> The coffee cup contains steaming hot coffee with some milk in it... Maybe adding something more to it? But Irving has ears like radar. <> [[back|desk]] :: pour You pour a lot of laxative in the coffee cup and sit back down. [[back|jail]] <> :: brush Even if you look good, you won't escape jail... [[back|box]] :: open You open the door but surprisingly fast, Irving spins his desk chair around and just gives you a look that says: "Don't even try it!" You slowly close it again and Irving turns, once again, towards his security cameras... [[back|jail]] :: toy Can this really help you? You pick it up anyway... [[back|box]] <> :: theend [mexico] [img[http://corruptreality.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/arriba3.gif]] the end @@font-size:65%;(welcome to Mexico PABLO el PENE!)@@ :: border You are here. All you gotta do is pass the border. You know you can't go back... Neither to your life, nor to possible jail time. You can be PABLO el PENE an live in Tijuana!! In the back the kid has stopped sobbing. Exhausted by the trip, just like you. [[bring the kid|theend2]] [[let the kid go|theend]] @@opacity:0.5;<>//one can learn to adjust and to love.// //can one also forget and forgive?// //fuck...//<>@@ :: comp The computer seems to be from the stone age. You wonder, for a second, if there's any porn on it, and if you are in any of it? [[back|desk]] :: crack What now? [[Use laxative|laxcrack]] [[Use toy sword|swordcrack]] :: theend2 [warning3] //do the right thing Rocky...// <>[[LEAVE THE FUCKING KID BEHIND!|theend]]<> <>[[NO! THIS IS MY LIFE!|regret]]<> :: regret [warning2] <>you grab the kid. pass the border. your elderly body lacking strength. hot summer - burning sun. some years go by. a kid that grows up. and you grow down. hate is brewing. you know this. the kid is trapped. your eyes guard him. your very tired eyes. from hawk to bat. the day of muerte is here. your muerte day. a lonely day. an empty bed. no kid nor Savanna. a kid fleeing with others seeking happiness in the US. a happiness you never found...<> <>@@opacity: 0.5;//the end//@@<> :: pencil The pencil isn't sharp and Irving have been chewing on it... [[back|desk]] :: cd Maybe you too should have started a band just like Andrea? Nothing wrong with Disco, but few have escaped jail by dancing... [[back|box]] :: laxcrack How's throwing some laxative gonna help you? [[back|crack]] :: stapler The stapler seems busted... [[back|desk]] :: diapers You don't even wanna touch them... [[back|box]] :: swordcrack You quickly press the "ON" button and throw the sword threw the crack and plays it casual as Irving walks out of the room and stands just outside the door to try to see what the ruckus is all about... [[back|desk]] <> :: woman Just an old picture of Irving's mom, or sister, or wife, or aunt? Hard to tell... [[back|desk]] :: lax There's nothing wrong with being regular, so you pick it up... [[back|box]] <>